Friday, August 5, 2011

My New English Teacher is beyond terrible!?

My new english teacher is beyond terrible, i'm a sophmore that failed 9th grade english last year and i'm repeating it again this year, i was put in English 9 Intensive which is a class for students that need a slower class to get good grades, my english teacher i had from September left because she got another job, after she left we had different substitute teachers for about 2 weeks, this past week we had a new sub, unfortunatly on thursday i found out that sub was gonna be our permanent teacher till june! Now before my regular english teacher left we were in the middle of reading Romeo and Juliet and she gave us a packet of worksheets to do while we were reading Romeo and Juliet to do after she left and would do them with the new teacher, but this new english teacher doesnt use any of the worksheets that are in the folder, she makes up her own assignments, but the assignments she gives us makes no sense at all and sometimes doesnt have to do with Romeo and Juliet, also when we're reading Romeo and Juliet after we read one line of the book, she starts talking for about 30 minutes about that line and randomness in the book, the whole class is confused of what to do and aren't understanding the book, when we try to ask for help we still don't get it, the assignments shes giving us are like college level and she's teaching kids that are in an intensive class who have learning dissabilities, everyone in my class hates her and everyone is afraid that the're gonna fail, i'm especially concerned since i'm repeating english 9 again and i need to pass it this year or else i need to go to summer school, Also this new english teacher thinks she can make up her own rules that aren't even part of the schools rules, she thinks that she's allowed to give personal detentions, which means that she can keep someone after school for as long as she wants to, according to the school rules in our handbooks it's the school administraters decision to give detentions and how long and how many, she also says that we aren't allowed to wear hats and hoods in her classroom but in the school rules it says that we are allowed to wear them, she also says we need to ask permission to even stand up in class, she gave a kid in my class a "personal detention" just because he had an empty post it note on his desk, this teacher is beyond bad, i saw my guidance consular in the hallway with the kid that she gave the personal detention to and i heard my guidance consular say "she cannot be doing that in class" so i'm hoping that something will be done, but i know nothing will, i'm gonna go speak to my guidance counsular on monday about it, but do you think everyone in my english class should talk to the school offcials about this teacher? no one is gonna pass with her and she is way to strict and doesn't know what shes doing. I have no idea why my school would hire someone like her, i know teachers can get fired if kids have poor performance in class but i don't wanna get bad grades or fail and i'm doing very good in english this year (it was the only class i failed last year, i'm a good student but i was trying hard to pass it last year) but i'm worried with this teacher that i;m gonna fail, any suggestions on what me and my other classmates should do?

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