Friday, August 12, 2011
What do those who are anti-religion mean when they say "keep it in your homes and in your churches"?
i think you have possibly misunderstood, obviously i can not speak for others i am not someone who says that, but i think they are quoting christian philosophy. i don't think that they are suggesting that you should not be allowed to where a silver cross or any public display, but that christian philosophy does not permit such acts. i think rather than suggest that you should not be allowed to do these things rather suggesting that you are being hypocritical for doing these things, according to the philosophy you are claiming to follow.
Should I change my dental practice?
Right I am a person with the worse luck when it comes to teeth. When I was a child I had 8 out in one day, thank god I was put to sleep though. Well last year half my tooth cracked (molar) and I made a trip to the dentist and he said right I need to drill into the tooth and see if you need a root canal if not I'll fill it back in. But my previous experience with him doing fillings was painful and it felt worse than before with pieces of the filling sticking out over my tooth scratching my cheek and Tongue. So I asked my mum to ask the receptionist to change my dentist (as I'm under 16)so the receptionist recommended a woman who dealt with patients with phobias. But I couldn't bring myself to go even though I had a new dentist. Until my cracked tooth got an abcess I was forced to go so I went an was put on a course of antibiotics and was instructed to come back the next week and I thought okay she just wants to check how that tooth is doing. Well when I went there she neglected that tooth and started complaining about my other teeth and decided that I needed two urgent fillings there and then, without asking my mum who was waiting in reception she started drilling her nurse then went to get my mum I'm guessing. The dentist started to have ago at me saying why I had left it so long to go and see her then mid sentence she said "oopsy I drilled to far" I panicked and started crying and she was like its okay we will do a root canal. So I thought okay this should be fine she then 'numbed' the area and said right can you feel this *she poked my tooth with something* and I shrieked in pain and she goes well I've numbed you so you can't feel it. She then carried on an put a temporary filling in which cracked off within a day (is that meant to happen) and sent me on my way. The following week my abcess had cone back 10times worse so I went to the doctor to see if they could refer me to hospital, but he gave me antibiotics and made me an emergency appointment at the dentist so I went back to the dentist the minute she saw my face she referred me to hospital, got there and they numbed me properly and removed the infected tooth painfree. Now the dentist has been calling my house and my mum requesting I go in so she can finish my fillings but I no that it will be painful. Im trying to convince my mum to change dental practices as I went to a different one a few years ago and it was painfree!
I cannot sleep ! iseeher?
So the problem is that when ever I try to go to sleep at night this image of a girl flashes and I unintentionally start thinking and fantasizing about her (not in a sexual way) , the problem is that this girl 'candy' is engaged to some other guy and loves him a lot. And I feel getting in between someones relation wouldn't be nice for either of us do I walked away and she too didn't knew I had feelings for her . Now I tried everything from jerking of her name as my friends advise to keep myself occupied which my consular said and yes it does help all day but what about night - I cannot sleep . Now I tried counting and and tried thinking about other things but this girl keeps visiting and haunts in my dreams , dreams like we are on a date , or I am saving her for someone, or something like we've been married all weird which isn't possible . What do I do I really don't want sex from her I just like looking at her and ever since she got engaged I just went away from her fearing I could get hurt but the problem now is I cannot sleep. And yes I am dating other girls and this is not a help.
I just got 3 fillings on my teeth 2 days ago, but it hurts, do i need a root canal?
I went to the dentist 2 days ago to get three fillings. The dentist told me that this one tooth was pretty deep but she got cleaned out and was gOnna fill it. She then told me that if it still hurt that i would need a root canal. It has been irritating me and it hurts to eat on the side where the tooth is at. Do i need to go back and get a root canal or should i just give it time?
Can I floss my new fillings?
I haven't been to a dentist since I was a small child and have just recently started going back at 24 years old. I got 4 fillings on the top right of my mouth, however now my teeth feel disgusting, like I have a lot of plaque build up where they used to feel clean, This is only where I got the new fillings put in. Can I floss them? My husband said I'm not supposed to floss fillings AT ALL, EVER because it can make them come out. But food is getting stuck in between my teeth more than ever. Can I floss? And will it always feel gross like plaque?
Would you eat real old style mexican food when they would eat frogs and salamanders?
Because before the white man came and brought Hogs and Cattle those were the two most common fillings for tortillas.
HELP!! one of my fillings fell out?
That is pretty normal. All you need to do is go back to your dentist, and let them refill it. You might have to pay. I'm not sure about that part. Hope this helps.
Was he trying to flirt with me? I'm falling for him already?
It depends maybe he was playing even though I doubt it he may be secertly gay and well wanted to see what you would do because he may like you next time you talk just bring it up and see what happens
How a US Citizen can file a case for false imprisonment in Kuwait?
I am a US Citizen and during a business trip to Kuwait I was stopped by the Kuwaiti border officers on basis of a seven years INTERPOL Red Warrant issued by the US government. The INTERPOL warrant was issued on basis of a criminal case which was dismissed by the US federal court three years ago and consequently the warrant was vacated. For so many times I was stopped and questioned during my entry to the US and each time I request from the federal prosecutor to take necessary action to remove the warrant from the system. As I thought things were removed I was again stopped in Kuwait, transferred in a police car to be jailed during the weekend until delivered to the Kuwaiti INTERPOL during working days. I contacted the afterhours telephone number for our embassy in Kuwait and was able to reach, after several attempts, the duty officer who advised me that cannot do anything until after the weekend and then I have to contact the Citizen services. My wife in the US spoke with the State Department and confirmed that it is an error and that there is NO warrant what so ever for me. Still the duty office DID NOTHING. I had to call some Kuwaiti friends who through contacts were able to release me on my passport guarantee and him bailing me. I was asked to return back to the Kuwaiti criminal INTERPOL unit early morning on the first business day in Kuwait. I did and they apologized that it was an error and there is nothing against me and it is just that the system at the border is not updated (three years old warrant been canceled). I took my passport while I have a flight in few hours and headed to our embassy in Kuwait, I showed them at the door my passport and informed them of the emergency I had and requested to file a report. The Consul refused to admit me to the embassy, acknowledged he/she knew about the case and request that I schedule an appointment through the embassy web page despite me telling them I have a flight in few hours. I am just disappointed for the type of Counselor protection US citizen receives overseas and I need help to find out what I can do to protect my rights. For all this humiliation and agony my family and I has to go through, Do I have a case against the State Department for not taking appropriate measure to remove the warrant as the case got dismissed three years ago and for their incompetency to provide a citizen consular protection? Do I have a case against the Kuwaiti government for failing to update their system at the borders and for false imprisonment? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Is this diet good for weight loss?
No cereals. They are terrible for diets. Even the ones that say heart healthy and stuff. Also anything that says low fat has a lot of artificial stuff in it which is also terrible for a diet.
Am i gay or transgender?
Probably gay now, but back when you were little hoping to be a girl would be more towards the transgender. If you can stand looking at your dick your more likely gay.
Can I get a polish passport?
my great grandmother was from krakow in Austria Hungary (modern day poland) her kids and grandkids and me are all Americans. I emailed the consular but they did not get back to me.
Ex-best friend says I've been spreading rumors?
My ex-best friend talked about every one when we were friends (including our other best friend and I at the time) and also including the people she's hanging out with now. She said some REALLY messed up things. A lot of people witnessed this besides me. I told my new best friend in confidence how upset I was about her spreading rumors, and let's just say it got around. Now she thinks I called her a whore and I was sent down to the office for it; the guidance consular believes that I didn't and that she's just looking for drama. She keeps popping into my life with new drama and tries to be tough, yet she sends her friends over to be messengers. It's very immature. A lot of people think I called her a whore and she's getting defensive saying she didn't talk about anyone. This is really upsetting me because she's so fake. I want to mind my own business and for her to mind hers. What should I do?
Im scared to go to the dentist for a checkup?
I didn't go for 3 years and when I did I cried like a child and nearly hyperventilated because the dentist makes me so nervous, just keep in mind you will be in a lot more pain if you don't go. If you don't take care of your teeth infections are excruciating and things will only get worse. So go get everything taken care of then start taking better care of your teeth and next time you go it should only be for a routine check up :)
RAMADAN: what do you think of this?
they want to distort Islam? why ? to give justification that we are animals and deserve to be killed . don't be amazed if a western come with a gun and kill you without mercy, the poor guy , he thinks we are his enemy!!!.while his enemy is his own regime!!! if this is a true news , then why do they just focus on these things . generally speaking , these things don't disappear from a society , you will find good and you will find bad. but their intentions are way way far from our expectations because when a guy read this ,the first thing that occur in his mind is Islam because its an Islamic nation so this why they do this. why don't they give us news like these in England or from china or from holland or let us get near, from Israel?? because Israel is the one who is grabbing the whole media in the world. they are billionairs.
Diarrhea for almost a week!?
I was recently on vacation to the beach when I was eating a lot of fast food and more food than usual anyway. I was at a resturant and I ordered a steak cooked to medium and afterwards I just felt full and bloated after eating which is unusual for me after that I shoved some ice cream down. I'm very fit and I don't usually eat this much. When I got home that night I had a very cold feeling and I assumed it was from the ice cream but it lasted until morning so I'm thinking it was a slight fever, but that was it. Ever since all my stool has been is loose watery diarrhea. When it started it was very often now mainly in the night it wakes me up. But no other bad feelings except the gas and a little kramping and discomfert while eating. What do I do please help?!
Could the dentist be the one who fractured my tooth?
I went to the dentist recently with a few fillings, one of them being my molar #15 (the very back top left tooth). I had no pain before the fillings. Now, after the fillings, that tooth cannot be touched without excruciating pain. I went back because they thought it was a bite issue, but sure enough, they believe my tooth is fractured and that I need a crown. I know that you can't always see fractures in teeth on x-rays from beforehand, but is it possible that she did it while drilling, and is there any way to prove it?
Does he like me (20 characters)?
Theirs this boy that I was real close with this time last year but not so much again until the last few days. Today I saw him for the first time since November 2010. He didn't know I was coming and he looked happy when he saw me. He laughed at all my jokes even if they were stupid, we teased each other, playfully shove each other, he was trying hard to make me laugh, he went red when ever his friend embarrassed him and whenever our friend said he loved me and stuff he just looked at her. And after school today he broke up with his girlfriend. I don't know if it's just a phase of seeing me again or something, I'm SO stupid when it comes to boys. Does he like me or not? What should I do if he does? I like him, too.
I need help school problems?
Your parents and the guidance counselor are right. Tough it out, keep your chin up and remember that high school doesn't last forever.
Ok, i am in 6th grade and i want to talk to a consular of some sort but i have no idea how to contact me school's consular with out a parent's note because i can't just asked my teacher to go to the office what should i do? Should i talk to a teacher about it? is there a website where i can email consulars with out meeting them? I would appreciate ideas of contacting my school's consular, a website to contact someone, or if you have any knowledge on the subject to pm me Thank you :)
Amalgam fillings removed replaced with resin now they hurt!?
I had a small crack in my amalgam filling tooth 18 back molar.Also tooth 19 amalgam filling had small fracture.Went to my dentist and she suggested to drill out amalgam and put in composite fillings.She numbed me up and it hurt like hell when she removed the silver fillings,she had to actually numb me up again! It also hurt like hell when she put the new fillings in.I have had root canals,apico,lots of fillings and I NEVER had any pain at all while I was numb.Now it has been a week and I am still in pain.They said give it a few weeks it will be fine.My question is do they remove these amalgam fillings on a regular basis to replace them? I really think I needed a root canal.She only took pictures of the tooth to see the crack not X-rays to see how far down my original amalgam fillings went.What should I do?
Is this weird for a kid to do?
i am in middle school and i stay highly depressed i knew i majorly needed to go to the consular but i was to shy to ask my teacher well, i wright alot of depressing things and i had something basically saying i wanted to die. i wrote my name on it and left it on the class room floor purposely knowing that my teacher pics up anything off the floor she sees. i knew if she saw it shed get me sent to the consular so that was my Solution. i left the paper and then switched classes i didn't end up going to the counselor cuz of it today she came and got me at the end of math class. i felt so weird tho. is it weird i did this just to go to the consulars office i mean i know i could have asked my teacher but still is it that weird? the paper said kill me please with a knife through a broken heart....
When was the last time you went to the dentist? Ever go a couple years without seeing one?
This question has been asked a awful lot. Are you not trusting of the answer the first 2 times I saw it?
Are Jehovah Witnesses harming their children with their ideas?
A Jehovah Witness lady is trying to convert my mom and I overheard her 5 year old daughter tell my little brother that she wasn't allowed to watch Scooby Doo because she is a Jehovah Witness. My mom takes my siblins to her house for playtime and it worries me that she will try to shove her crazy ideas down their throats. I consider religion child abuse towards children and don't like children to be labled as this or that. This cult almost destroyed my child hood but I survived because my mom layed off this for a while.Now I fear for my brother and sister.
Can you fly from Florida to Chicago on airplane if you have a mexican consular id?
My friend is wanting to come visit me from Florida and all she has is a Mexican Consular Id. I told her not to fly out here because it might be a little risky, she said she contacted the TSA and they told her they are not interested in the immigration status of the people flying is that true and if it is then why are there INS officers always at the airport?
EAD and social security question?
Ok, so i just got my EAD (employment authorization card) and im eager to start working. My main question is can i go ahead and apply for a SS#? I am an Immigrant, not on any kind of visa from my country. If i do go ahead and apply in person, what Documents do i need to take to prove who i am? Will my EAD and Consular card be sufficient i.d?
Am I a push over since I was Bullyed in High School?
I just graduated this year, and never really had a problem with bullying, but my 11th grade year, I was bullyed in gym class, by this group of dudes, there were 7 of them..They threw things at me, called a gay, queer, ect.. and sometimes pushed and shoved me, I usually dont take things from people, but 1 against 7 I had no chance, alot of people at my school like me, so I think they were jealous of me or something..But, it still regrets me, I feel like a pu$$y for not standing up for myself..
Question about I-864?
the consular officer approves or denies the I-864...everything goes to the NVC but ultimately the consular officer has the power to approve or deny..
Thursday, August 11, 2011
How do i contact a ghost in my house?
well my brother's room has had a lott of things happen, he has been hugged and watched, but when he had his friend around she got scratched in 2 places (3 scratch marks like nails), the other night all the screws came out of the door, i mean the handle also last night i something pushed me to one side of my bed and basically shoved me. how do i get in contact without hurting me or anyone else?
Who is hurt by Insider trading? Who are the victims?
Rigging the game doesn't affect anyone? You mean if my employer urges me to support the company by buying company stock and then screwing me over while they make a windfall with insider knowledge is somehow not a bad thing?
Question about tooth-colored fillings?
Your problem is VERY common. Tooth colored fillings are very technique sensitive and the only option you have is to wait it out and hope that the sensitivity will resolve in a short period of time. This type of sensitivity have been known to last for years. Some patients have resorted to having a root canal to stop the pain. I'd think twice before having another tooth colored filling placed on a back chewing tooth. They don't last very long either.
Should I see my dentist and will my cheecks be normal again? ?
I came back from the dentist thursday with six fillings done and couple hours later my cheek hurts and it was puffy. Couple more hours I saw bursied spots on where they hurt and so today I still have the pain in my cheeks and its a little puffy. Should I see my dentist and will my cheeks be normal again?
How long does it take the numbness to wear off after the dentist.?
I had 3 fillings, 2 at the top and 1 at the bottom. all on the left side of my mouth. I got it done around 3pm how long should it last?
Why Have My Cavity Returned in Less Than A week Prior to My Dentist Vistit ?
i Went To The Dentist Wendesday & Got 4 Fillings Now 1 of My Cavities are Back Why do You think that is ? Cavitiies Dont Appear in Less Than a Week
Is it normal for fillings to ache after?
I have just had three fillings but the left side is fine but my right really aches. I have had fillings before but I don't remember them aching this bad.
Florida Virtual School question?
ok so i really want a 4.0 gpa and i currently have a 3.56. I am a sophmore and i was hoping to replace all my regular classes with honors class and plan to get straight a's. i was informed by my consular that i can only take classes where i have a d or f in. soo now she says i can't take it ????? and this consular i have just happens so that everyone complains about her and that shes over reactive and that she never responds to parent's emails so i dont know what now ?? my dream is to go to stanford and now i dont see that ... can someone please inform me what i can do is there anyway i can replace my biology, english, and math grade with honors ???
Please answer?! Thanks!?
Okay so basically I went to my dentist and he said I have tooth decay and need to use fluoriguard and to come back in a month after using it toget my fillings done. I also have overcrowding and need braces(he told me I had to get rid of the decay first) so I'm assuming that I would have to have my teeth pulled. I'm going back for my fillings 28th June so was just wandering what's going to happen after I have my fillings done and roughly how long it will be before I have my braces done(: I'm 14 btw! Thanks x
Green Card renewal for Native American born in Canada?
My wife and step-son were issued a Green Cards when I received mine in 2001. My work paid for everything and he was considered under my application through Consular Processing. He is 50% Native American from his biological Father and was born in Canada. He is now 20 and his card is expiring. Should he just renew it via the standard way or should he do it a different way bc of the fact that he is Native American?
Can someone help me with the name of this movie?
i use to watch this when i was younger...i think the girl is a teenage girl and she is dating an older guy and the dad really doesnt like him and one day he like comes to their house and the dad asks him to leave or something and then he goes out to his car and starts like punching himself to make it look like the dad did it to him..and then in the end he like kills the families dog and shoves its head through the doggy door and it all ends by the girl pushing him out the window i think....ha anyone know the name?
(HELP!) A foreign national detained by the United States as a prisoner of war has a right to?
Chapter II of the Annex to the 1907 Hague Convention covered the treatment of prisoners of war in detail. These were further expanded in the Third Geneva Convention of 1929, and its revision of 1949. Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention protects captured military personnel, some guerrilla fighters and certain civilians. It applies from the moment a prisoner is captured until he or she is released or repatriated. One of the main provisions of the convention makes it illegal to torture prisoners and states that a prisoner can only be required to give their name, date of birth, rank and service number
How soon should I go to an endodontist?
I went to the dentist last week and he gave me my dental plan. Basically, my X-rays show that I might have two abscess (one on my top front tooth and one on my bottom front tooth), BUT he told me that I need to get fillings on 3 of my teeth before going to the endodontist. I'm just wondering why I would need to get the fillings before going to the endodontist and if I should just go to the endodontist first. The root of my upper tooth is really starting to hurt.
Do i have eating disorder?
Well, you should never compare your bodies to other girls, everyone's body is different. No one's body is the same. Be comfortable in your own body, after all you are the only one living in it. Losing weight is not good. The best advice is to go to the Doctor. You need help. According to a doctor, you are right at normal weight if you loose 5 more pounds, you will still be normal weight, but if you loose anymore you will be underweight and possibly be in danger. Go get checked.
A question on fillings?
i got fillings on my right side on saturday and the dentist said that i should eat on my left side until the next day. and its Wednesday now and my teeth still ACHE where they did the fillings. why?
How long are dentists responsible for fillings?
Legally, if a filling falls after two years are they responsible. Someone told me they were for 5 years. Is this true? Is there some sort of warranty? I got them done when I had insurance and now I don't
What does my dream mean?
you are feeling alone at your present environment...u want to break out of your present routine and escape reality...hugging your bully shows how much u want to just forgive him for the crap he gave you and maybe become friends,or make peace with him and move on....
Can I open a Health Savings Account without having health insurance?
You can go to any out patient clinic and get a prescription for birth control pills and anemia medicaton, blood tests. Dental work is harder to get. You have to find a dental college or make payment arrangements at the dentist, find a decent dental insurance plan. Without group insurance you have to pay for these services youself. You may have to purchase individual insurance if you dont go to a county or community health clinic.
Parents: do you think this is a good idea?
my friend and I were talking about going down to the local middle school and talking to the 8th graders about peer pressure in high school, waiting to have sex, and what really matters. because when I was in 8th grade the high school use to come with students and talk about high school we thought it was an easy hour for community service. And we need to talk to our consular and the vice principal at the middle school. is this a good idea?
Should I talk to my school consular about this?
I'm 14, I'm gay and I have just moved to a new country and I am getting really upset lately because ever since I have moved I don't have ANYONE to talk to about it! I can't call anyone because of a different time zone! I have no outlet on my true self, I know my parents will accept me (My mum anyway) but I'm scared... I can't talk to anyone about it because, no one knows, should I talk to my school consular, there is this youth group but I have no way of getting there! I don't really want to talk to a school consular because that means... coming out, ALL over again! Please I just someone to talk to!
What if I fail by a point?
I'm a senior in highschool and in the beginning of the yr I tried to get out of my precal class because it was too hard and my consular wouldn't let me. So 1st semester I had an avg 68.4 and this semester I need a 72 but I'm nervous (the way u avg a semester grade is 1st 9weeks grdx2 + 2nd 9weeks grdx2 + final exam/5) so I have. 71 and 75 avg and on my exam I just took I dont think I did very well. What if I fail with a 69? Will they have to bump me up to 70 for my avg?
B1/B2 visa revoked while applying for Tourist visa for Wife and Kid?
You bear all the signs of intending to be a backdoor immigrant - get in anyway you can with intent to remain. You have ties to US (working brother). You have stayed suspiciously long before (bah humbug - knowledge transfer & training). And now you want to bring in wife & baby at the same time? You already have plans to remain, intending to get student or employment visa. No, you're suspected of visa fraud. You've been flagged, and you can forget about returning to the US.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Why do most straight women always need a big dood to get them off?
What is it?! I don't see how having a huge 10 incher shoved in your poor little VA G G could possibly be satisfying?!
Does this sound interesting?
umm i think it ok but you need to add more to the idea. i mean like there should be more to that idea
My teeth are decaying fast!!:( I need fillings but im too scared to go to the doctors!!:( please help?
Well fillings don't hurt at all I had them a long time, my dentist numbed my mouth (rubbed gel onto it and made it numb), I couldn't even feel a thing, and then worked the procedure, it took only 15 minutes, when I saw the needle they were going to inject into my mouth I was really scared, but when they put it in my mouth I was relieved because I didn't feel a thing, I was only irritated when the dentist left me waiting forever for the numbness to spread, it made me mad, but it wasn't in the least bit painful. You should go for it, I promise you it won't hurt at all, you could even tell ask the dentist if they're going to put the numbing gel on, it really works miracles, fast and no pain at all. Don't be scared, be brave. If you do it this once, and be careful on what you eat you would never have to go back for more filling ever again.
Tooth pain after fillings?
I had my cavities done with the white fillings on friday 5/27/2011 then as days passed by I had throbbing pains and didn't think anything of it. So today 6/4/11 I went to get my fillings adjusted because I noticed my bite was off, but the pain is still there. Is there anything wrong with my teeth? Or is the pain supposed to be like this? On a scale from 1 to 10 , my pain level is at a 5
If my dentist says old fillings need to be redone, is he right or am I being scammed?
He said there was decay around the fillings and they were getting old, they're about 12 years old now, and my teeth are a bit weaker than normal teeth, also having braces and not always being the best with my teeth.
Was he trying to flirt with me? I'm falling for him already?
i swear people on this website are so fukcing stupid dont know if he likes you when at a love scene he moves closer to you with his arms wrapped around you? are you serious?
Help! please! im in ALOT of pain!?
i was inserting a tampon when i was on my period and the plastic bit at the top was sticking out but i shoved it up anyway quite roughly. Afterwards i noticed i was in a lot of pain and had to take the tampon out and it hurt so much i cried with the pain. There was alot of blood on the tampon andit couldnt have been from my period bcause it was only in for about a minute. Thats when i realised that i must have cut myself with the tampon. Its now three days later, my periods over but im in ALOT of pain! it stings so much when i pee and it hurts when i sit down. i have to change my knickers about 5 times a day because they are all blood from the cut inside my vagina. i dont know what to do its soo painful :( can someone please help me!
Can I do veneer top of the fillings?
hi, i am 26 years old female. i've been wishing to have white beautiful teeth for a very long time. i have some small filling on my front teeth. is it still ok for me to do them? the shape of my teeth i am happy. just i want white healthy look teeth.
How to get the girl I met online to come out with me?
Hey guys. I met some girl on a website got her cell but when push comes to shove to hang out she gets all tense? Is she just a flake? Or is this anything we can do to change her mind feel more comfortable? def don't wanna waste my time and hers but it feels like we would connect since we text n message al lot. Thanks
The devil and masons are torturing me with voices?
i hear voices 24 hours a day, 7 days a week i was born with a halo but satanists found out and put devils blood in me, as well as iron fillings,devils burden,turtle tracks,demerara,emerald injection,irish moss, rabbits liver curse,rocksalt,they say they are british intelligence as well as bieng satanists
Atlantic side of Nicaragua safety?
I have aread the US bureau of consular affairs web site and they say there is a new travel advisor saying that violent crime in Nicaragua is increasing. Now I have heard on here and on the web all about the west side of Nica but never any news about the Atlantic side of Nicaragua. Id love to hear from people who have stopped in on that side or live there now. How does the Atlantic side of Nicaragua look? Just wondering if its safe for Americans to raise kids?
Confused about Dentists and Insurance?
You must be sure this particular dentist will accept the individual coverage plan you purchase. Individual plans are different from group plans from the same insurance company. Most dental plans have network dentists. If you have a cavity you cannot wait 6 months to fill it. I would pay cash and get the work done now so your teeth dont get worse. You can probably make a monthly payment plan.
Why do women bother men with these silly things?
I cant have sex with your personality, I can't put my penis in your college degree, I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?
Last night at a party i was dancing all dirty with a guy, then?
he went face to face, made out and i let him feel up my shirt. then i bent down and took off my thong ( i was wearing a skirt) and shoved it in his pocket. i let him touch me below the waist. we went back to his car and made love, we didn't use protection but i am on the pill, what are the chancesof me getting pregnant?
A foreign national detained by the United States as a prisoner of war has a right to?
I would go with B, POW means your there so cannot be in the fight not because you did something wrong, this only applies to members of a UNIFORMED military
Can I make an esset on my iPod touch keyboard?
I have this app that lets me text on my 4g iPod touch (just fyi, you could have thought I had like a 3g and it might make a difference, I don't want you to think I'm rubbing it in your face or anything). When I get bored, I go on google translate and look up hilariously mean things in German and send them to people so they remain oblivious. But it always seems like half the sh!t I want to say to these morons involves a damn esset and I'm sick of working around it. So. Can I make an esset on an iPod touch keyboard? If so, how the hell do I do it? NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION BEFORE I RIP YOUR DICK OFF AND SHOVE IT IN YOUR EYE. Bahaha I lied. I don't wanna touch your dick. Kaythanksbye:b
Should I just kill myself?
I can't trust anyone anymore, I cut and used to be bulimic. M best friend died earlier this year and I told one of my other "friend" about the abuse I went through in the past. I won't hug anyone sine when I was younger my grandpa would touch my butt. And I have been smacked by my mom and dad, and once slammed in a wall. But that hasnt happened in a while. My whole family constantly makes fun of me, calling me stupid (I get good grades my worst is a B), delusional, fat ( my friend says I'm not and you can see my ribs if I bend over to the side), and schizorphreanic. I think I may be schizophreanic because I sometimes see blood smell and taste it and feel like I'm getting burned. And sometimes hear screaming. It really scares me. I have told one of my friends but she thinks I haven't been cutting because I'm not telling her since she said the next time I cut she will tell the consular. But I hate not telling anyone and I'm sick of all the **** going on around me. So should I kill mysel and how many advils would it take?? Btw I'm a 12 year old girl in 6th grade.
K1 visa denied cos of traditional marriage, what do i do next, file i-130 or waiver of ignorance?
had a traditional marriage, which i presumed was not recognised by the US law. on seeing the fotos the consular officer gave me a paper to sign stating that we had a traditional wedding and paid the bride price and thereafter stated that he is recommending the case for revocation. what do i do? file for iR1 OR i130 or for waiver of ignorance,? as we never knew traditional marriges are accepted as real. hope this situation doesnt jeopardise my chances even i file for i130. i really want to be be withe one i love, pls help!!!!!
What is the best thing I can say to consular officials that will convince them I will return to my homecountry?
I need tips that show I have binding ties to my country. I am in the Philippines and would like to see the United States and visit friends who live there.
Which of these Jacket Potato fillings is healthiest?
Well baked beans will have less calories in them, but lots of sugar and salt. Tuna mayo will have more nutrients because of the tuna but it will be more calorie filled so it depends on how you look at it. If you wanted to go really healthy you could fill one with lean meats like ham, and salad. Hope this helps!
Teens why are private school kids assholes?
I'd just like to point out, not all kids are like that. You met some bad ones. I actually go to a school exactly like that. A small, private, christian highschool. Not all are like that, and the one you went to probably didnt even, you probably just saw it that way. Loads of kids, including myself, party, swear, drink, have sex regularly. obviously a lot don't, but a lot do too.
What do you think of my story?
Honestly completely rewrite this whole passage. Seeing **** everywhere completely disengages me. Way to much questions, from what I scan of the passage. I think the reason no one else has commented on this is because it is very painful to get through one sentence let alone read the whole passage.
Hbow 221g effects my case? SIV-special immigrant visa for Iraqi interpreters?
I am an Iraqi interpreter, I been working with American Army almost for 3 years, under SIV( special immigrant visa) I'm entitled to obtain visa, but unfortunately in March 2011 during the visa interview the Consular handed me 221g refusal form, the interpreters with American army are entitled to the visa under President G.W,BUSH determination. looking forward to hear from you with regards
My boyfriend & Titty Bars.?
Sorry to tell you this but he moved closer to the strip club to have easier access to having them over to his place for some sex during their breaks and after their shifts. You NEED to move on.
Poll- If someone snatched you up in a car when your were walking what would you do?
You were walking peacefully on the sidewalk at 7pm at night. All of a sudden some dude in a white van grabbed you and pulled you in and shoved you in the back. What would you do, say, and possibly feel?
US LAW: may a foreign citizen have refused his visitor visa even when he is a party before a Civil Court ?
A foreign citizen, even one who is involved in a legal dispute, has no right to enter another country. Each country has discretion in admitting or not admitting foreign citizens. The State Dept. is not guilty of anything by refusing to issue you a visa.
Is high school really bad as people say ? :)?
is it really like people say ? do you get shoved into lockers or picked on in the hallways ? do you get underminded all the time ? is it hard to make friends ?
Can filing for bankruptcy effect an immigrant visa petition?
I am a U.S. citizen. I petitioned my wife last year and she is here now. My step daughter's petition is still in the works. It has left the USCIS and should be in consular processing now. I have signed an affidavit of support for both of them, and I understand that filing for bankruptcy will not release me from that obligation; that's not what I'm trying to accomplish. I am filing for financial reasons and I want to make sure it will not negatively effect the visa approval for my step daughter. I have been told that the government only looks at income; my income is ~50,000/year, which should be plenty. is that true?
Is my toothpaste doing more harm than good?
I use Colgate Total Advanced Whitening (or something like that). Well I went to the dentist yesterday for a cleaning and check-up. I've got 8 cavities! I brush my teeth twice a day, floss at night, and use a very expensive fluoride mouthwash. I couldn't believe it! The dental assistant told me that sometimes you get cavities no matter what you do. I don't think that's true. But I don't want yellow teeth but the more I think about it I don't want anymore cavities either! Does regular toothpaste (anything but whitening) still keep your teeth from staining? They just make so many toothpastes that are for gum protection, enamel strengthening, and all that stuff. I'm so confused as to what to buy! I only use Colgate though. Can you give me some ideas as to what kind to get? Also I'm going to start brushing 3 times a day with a toothbrush they gave me (its manual). My toothbrush I've been using is electric and I don't think it was doing a very good job. I'm so ashamed because all my life I'll have fillings and half my mouth will have fake stuff in it! When I was younger I never brushed my teeth and was a heavy soda drinker. I don't drink soda anymore thankfully. But by looking at my teeth you wouldn't believe that I have 8 cavities. I guess they must be on the back of my teeth. My teeth never hurt and they're not sensitive. I just switched dentists and my new one is going to have to redo one of my fillings that my previous dentist did because its not right. So basically my other dentist sucked. Well anymore advice you have I would really appreciate! Thanks :)
Looking for the name of a movie about a torture show...don't read if you're "sensitive"?
I'm up on torture movies but I don't recognize that one. I'ma keep my eye on this though in case someone know what it is..I'll' look it up.
Should I have punched him?
I recently punched my "friend" in the jaw instinctively for shoving me into a random guy. He has also lied about me. And threatened to push me into quite attractive girls for what? His own entertainment and to revel in my humiliation? I've never done anything to him. I've thought about knocking sence into him, but I just did nothing. This was in 8th grade and he was not particularly big or threatening in any way. Although he was universally well hated.
My tooth hurts still a week after dentist visit?
Don't worry , it will pass with time , it always happens with me when I go to the dentist , your tooth is just sensitive and it's just temporary , don't worry about it.
Tooth pain after filling?
If the filling was replace what may have happened was the dentist had to drill deeper in order to get all the decay and/or old filling out. This is not normal for a filling but is for a replacement. Call your dentist and ask to come in to check. You should not be charged because it would be a follow-up, but ask the receptionist to make sure. Also, try sensitive toothpaste that helps.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Married US mothers who have registered a birth of US citizen abroad?
Does your maiden or married name (or both?) appear on your child�s US consular registration of birth abroad?
Depressed? plz help! thanks?
Okay so im always sad. I mean i can be happy, but its not a lot the only time im rely happy is when im home alone and my music is rely loud. I also was happy at our dance (school dance). But all other times im sad, im sad at school, home, bus, car, dosent rely matter. My friend the other day asked why im always so sad, i mean i kinda know why im sad sometimes, but i know that's not why im always sad. I don't like to be sad all the time i want to be happy i just can't. Does it sound like im depressed? I don't want to talk to my parents about it or my school consular. Plz help
Is GPA the same thing as final grade?
im trying to email my consular to see what i finished with . but i want to sound smart & use big words . so i just want to know is GPA & final grade the same thing?
Can I sue for assault?
I had to cross town yesterday but there was a gay pride parade and people kept shoving their body parts in my face. I told a cop but he just said move along and get out of the way. Was he right, or should someone have been arrested?
I accidently pushed a q tip to far in my ear?
i was cleaning my ears and i moved my hand and it shoved the q tip up in my ear and it hurt realy realy bad the pain went away after about a minute or two but i can tell a slight differenc in my hearing now will this go away.
Does anyone have cake decorating ideas for an 18th birthday?
okay. i made this AWESOME cake once. it needs to be like yellow cake or white batter though. take bowls and poor the same amount of the batter into each. put different color food dye into each. mix it. then but it plastic bags, and cut the tip off. you can put it in different designs. you could do stripes, layers of different colors, or just go crazy and make it like a marble type. (i did the marble) and then bake how you would :) it comes out super crazy tye dye like it's really cool :) i thought it might make a gross color, but if you cook right away it's fine :D good luck and happy birthday to her :)
My tooth feels warm, do I need a root canal?
I have a cavity in my lower left second molar, but I am going to the dentist on Thursday, in the past week it has started to feel warm sometimes, but not all of the time, I wouldn't call it painful but I'm aware that it is there when I think about it, will this need a root canal? I have a dental phobia, I can handle fillings but the though of a root canal scares the life out of me, would it be easier to have the tooth extracted? Or am I just whittling about nothing and I'll require a filling?
If an adult threatens to rape a minor over the internet, can he go to jail?
If you know their identity and the police will not pursue someone without that information then you could file a police report but it would probably be treated as a harassment or assault charge. Without something to identify the person it is unlikely that they would do anything, block the person you have been arguing with and block their number if you know theirs.}{
I'm having a General Anesthetic for six filllings? advice?
Im 17 in a few months and next week im having General Anesthetic because i have a horrible phobia of needles so i won't allow the injection, i'm not having any teeth taken out, but i'm having 6 fillings, i've been told even healthy people have died from this? I don't exactly go out running everyday so im not the healthiest person, any advice?
okay, my legs have gone fatter and how do i loose it? gym not an option coz the gym thats next to me is closed for renovation and the other gyms are like 20 ks away. and i need to loose weight on my stomach and face and yeah. oh and also, any ideas as to how not to eat lunch at school or have like an apple only but not get your friends to realise coz my friends shove food down my throwt (idk how to spell that) when they find out im on a diet?? like i will eat at school, im too fatty not to eat lol but my friends refuse to let me diet :( so yeah how to loose weight? please help? and how to eat less at school? thanks guys so much :))))
Have I just screwed myself over?
I'm taking an intro to micro-electronics course at Berkeley this summer. It's a lot harder than I expected, and I was stupid enough to forget about the Berkeley bell-curve. I also haven't taken the pre-requisite math and physics class yet. But enough about how idiotic I am, I need to know if I fail this class will it affect my future college transcript? I'm a highschool student, so is there anyway to shove whatever I get in this class into a nice dark hole and forget all about it if I fail? Or will it forever be imprinted on my college transcript and screw me over?
Help Me Kickflip America!!!?
Ok I have been skateboarding since last year. The only tricks ik how to do are: ollie, manual, fakie pop shove it and fakie shove it and halfway kickflip. I just got a new element board .. size: 7.5 So i want to get sponsored and b4 i make a vid i need to learn how to kickflip. ik that u have to have ur ollie dialed in and I do. Then u ollie and flick ur foot off to make it flip. I do tht but it flips halfway, i bet to estimate today I have tried to kickflip about 35 times and never landed it. But when i was about to go inside I said to myelf, " Im gonna do it" So i flicked the board and guess wt happens..... I do a triple kickflip. EPIC FAIL. I didnt land. Help me
Does this sound normal at all?
These two disgusting bitches on the bus (they're in like eighth grade, I'm a junior) kept talking trash about me and saying I had an abortion and that I sell coke and some shxit, and I don't deal too well with being slandered and whatnotttt, so anyways me and my friend are on the bus and they're getting off two stops ahead of us so as they're walking off each of them calls me and my friend a dirty hoe, so I was like hahaa okay she went too far. So we got off the bus too. And the bigger one who I have more problems with crosses the street and starts walking away so I went to the small one and asked her what the fxck her problem is and she goes "I was just sticking up for my friend, she said u got an abortion" and she looked scared so I tried to warn her not to fxck with me she started walking away but turned around and started screaming In my face so I grabbed her by the hair and shoved her face into the curb then let go she wasn't bleeding or nothing but then me n my friend walking home like 15min later her mom comes driving up behind us yelling that we assaulted her minor daughter and were going to jail (I'm only sixteen so I was like wtf?) But yea she tried to follow us and called the police so we ran into the forest and hid there for an hour till the police were gone.. what do u think of this situation? Was the girl talking too much ****? Plzz
How do you store a cake before you frost it?
I am making a three tier fondant cake for the first time tomorrow, and I would like to get as much done tonight so I can take my time assembling and decorating the cake. I am going to make the cakes and fillings tonight and was wondering what the best way would be to store the cake so it doesn't dry out and will still be soft and moist tomorrow. Its going to be 12" 9" 6" the smaller ones im going to zip lock, but the 12" should I put it on a platter and saran rap it? should I put then in the refrigerator?
How much does getting a filling hurt?
I went to the dentist today and was told I have to get a filling. I'm extremely diligent about brushing my teeth twice a day with my prescription toothpaste, flossing every night, all that jazz. And I drink a lot of water and tend to stay away from sugary foods. But anyway, even with all of this, my teeth are just really weak and I managed to get a cavity. I had bad teeth when I was little too, so I've gotten fillings before but I can't remember what it felt like at all. I'm 15 now, and I have an extremely low pain tolerance so I'm honestly scared to death. Does the shot hurt, and if so how much? Also, does the actually filling process hurt? How much? Is there anything I can do beforehand to make it all hurt less? Thanks you guys. :)
I appeared for the interview at US Consulate,Mumbai on 28th April 2011 for B1 visa?
Consular gave me 221 g yellow letter that says my application is under administrative processand once my CEAC No. appears in the list on the consulate website then I have to submit my passport and documents at VFS.Does that mean that after submitting my passport I'll get US visa directly or I'll have to appear for the interview again? Appreciate your help.Thanks.
Which Woman, is your Choice for President in the year of the AZ Centennial 2012?
I want to see a Strong Woman who can hold her ground and talk circles around the circle jerk pivot point Obama. Hollywood High School Graduate and former California Beach Bikini Model, Janice Brewer, has already told Obama to Shove IT! She has taken Obama and the Border Bandito Hold Out, Holder to the U.S. Supreme Court. Obama tried to get Brewer and Arpaio and Failed Miserably. Janice Brewer has defeated Obama in the Courts and will in an Election. Besides, Brewer will nail Obama in any debate.
Any advice for a girl that is jealous of her cousin?
Wow. Your family sounds ****** up. I think you should find friends how have no idea who Valentina is. You can have a fresh start. Also your only 4 years away from adulthood, you can start planning to get the hell out of there, I no I would.
Girls,Did my friend mess up my chance with my crush?
So second last day of school at the end of the day he grabbed us both unexpectidly and shoved us one foot apart fron eachother so we were looking eachother in the eyes. Side info: We both had dropped big hints throughout the school year but never talked. Back to story, we just stared in eachothers eyes for 6 seconds but she blushed got nervous and walked back to a group of friends which giggled and stared at me but I left cause I felt like I HAD to get out of there. She didnt come to school the next day which was the last day, so I didnt get to get her phone number : (. Girls would you lose interest over the summer or think about him all summer?
Ive thought about suicide lately...?
I sense a troll. If your not tho, grow a pair and deal with it. Many people are in worst positions then you. Posting stuff on yahoo isn't gunna make you feel better. Just find a hobby or something.
Is New York really like this?
I was visiting from Ohio and in the middle of Brooklyn, I saw an old slim Irish Catholic American store-owner standing outside in a wifebeater who was about 5'11 call a bunch of Hispanics who were Dominicans "fruitcakes" as they walked by and they got into his face and started saying they were going to hit him and his grandsons(all 5 of them) come running out and one was saying "YOU HIT MY GRANDPA IM GONNA KILL U" the other said with his NY accent "HEY PAWTNA YOU GONNA BEAT UP A OLD MAN PICK ON SOMEONE UR OWN SIZE TOUGH GUY" and they yelled, shoved and tried to size eachother up for about 10 mins, then the NYPD came and broke it up(all of that and no fight lol) me and my bf were amazed at how crazy New Yorkers are. I thought the rest of Americans were rowdy, wow NYers are nuts.
Monday, August 8, 2011
What should I do if no record of citizenship is registered in registry office ( comune di roma,municipi)?
You need to talk to a lawyer about this one or go to the embassy in person with all the proof of ID and paperwork you have.
Could the dentist be the one who fractured my tooth?
I went to the dentist recently with a few fillings, one of them being my molar #15 (the very back top left tooth). I had no pain before the fillings. Now, after the fillings, that tooth cannot be touched without excruciating pain. I went back because they thought it was a bite issue, but sure enough, they believe my tooth is fractured and that I need a crown. I know that you can't always see fractures in teeth on x-rays from beforehand, but is it possible that she did it while drilling, and is there any way to prove it?
Dental Sedation advice needed, Please help?
Hi I need to know if dentists sedate patients for only certain treatments or all? I am extremely phobic and have not been to a dentist since 1995/6, my teeth are in a seriously bad way & I know the only way forward for treatment for me is sedation. Do they sedate for fillings? Filing down teeth for crowning? or just extraction? I cannot bare the drill, the noise the smell. I want to be out of it for any procedure I need. What's my chances?
What age can you get the consular card?
can you get the consular card at the age of 16 or what age can you get it? if i cant get that what age do i need to get a tryin to activate a credit card but they are asking for these
Does karma really exist? Any examples?
If you want something, make it happen. Sitting around waiting for the universe to fix things for you is a waste of time.
Do dentists have white fillings that match the teeth?
i have a cavity on my front tooth and it looks bad.. ik im terrible.. and i want to know if they have white fillings.. :(
I feel so depressed and torn, feel like im gonner beakdown, what do I do?? pleaseee help.?
im sorry. but people that get abused by their husbands or boyfriends just don't want to own up to reality, to face it. but you have to. what if it gets worse? and he does something to your son? leave him, or give him some space for a while at least. but hell, i suggest you get outta there as soon as. you may love him, but would someone love you that much to want to be abusive?
Healthy things to fill a pitta bread or wrap?
browned ground turkey,lettuce,peppers,salsa,low fat cheeses,TUNA is a good one,avocado,spinach leaves
How do i get my younger brother to stop texting my friends?
I hate it when my brother texts my friends and when i ask him to stop he says no and shoves his phone down his pants.( he thinks it will keep me away) please tell me how to handle this!
Which steam mop is better, The Shark or Bissel?
hi, I was hoping for some feedback from experienced users of steam mops. I need to know which one is better, The Shark Steam Mop, or the Bissel Steam Mop? I have used both, and I found the Bissel one lets it stay wet for at least ten mins or so, whereas the shark dries within seconds. The shark one requires alittle push and shove, whereas the bissel one is alittle easier..but then again, maybe the extra push and shove is what makes it clean better? Anyhow, what is everyones opinion? Im thinking the Shark? All opinions and tips welcome please, (: thx
Wife or side line hoe my scorpio man has me mixed pls. help...!?
I've been off and on with this brother for about 17yr. We just got back together and dam he still do what he do but now its better because now he's more open with his fillings and he knows me like i know him the thing is he has a girl he stays with but he calls me the wife he wont stay the night any more and go days with out a call and all they do is fight crazy he has never hit me when hes not around that's when i fill like the side girl he told me when i spend her money I dont trip then but the money aint that good but he never tells me no when i ask unless its about him spending a night at home
Why can't i kickflip on a skateboard?
i can ollie and pop shove it but i cant kickflip. i have the foot position and flick down but when i put it all together the board just ollies or flies forward.. can anybody tell me what im doing wrong??
My Consular at High school is incompetent. Can you help me?
I need questions answered about high-school, college, dual enrollment, skill center, scholarships, and scheduling. However, time and time again, she has proved unhelpful. Either she is incompetent or does not take me seriously as a freshman. I believe its the previous, due to the fact that most adults take me MORE seriously, because I'm so serious about my education and planning for the future.
How can i get my school involved with helping japan!!!?
i want to help japan,its so horrible what happened!! first the earthquake then TSUNAMI,also the aftershock and when we dint think it could get any worse the oil leak thing trying to get my school to do a fun raiser or something to help but what kind?i went to my consular but she said she would talk to the Principal and he would talk to me but that could take days.i need a good idea to get my school involved and fast. is there any ideas out there ill take any,please,please help me!! thank you so much!!
Can any bakers (anybody) help me with this cake idea!-sheetcake!?
i would like to do a 2-layer sheetcake with possibly a strawberry filling. i really need an Amazing WHITE cake recipe "and" directions on how to do a white layerwed sheet cake! its for my parents 25th aniversary -long story short, my sister-in-law's being a total jerk about it almost because im going to baking and pastry school in a couple months and she is almost trying to put pressure on me saying i should do all this other crap and trying to make me nervouse and sorry its just really upsetting me:( anyway could anyone please PLEASE help me with this? i would just love to do an awesome white sheetcake with 2 layers if any of you have some great recipes! (i really want to show her up so she knows i can do this on MY OWN! thank you so much! also-if anyone knows any great fillings to go between the two layers could you help me out? im thinking buttercream frosting because my mom isnt a fan of the fondent-just wondering if thats a good combo also. thanks. i mean jeeze, im going to baking school to LEARN this stuff. my sister in law seem to think i should know everything already. ugh
Do you think a Therapist would help me?
i've been having some problems lately and ive talked to the school consular before and i just felt like a had a huge heavy weight lifted of my shoulders and i said i was gonna kill myself a few weeks ago what do you think?
Why do i get grossed out when doing stuff with guys?
i know that kind of makes it sound like i'm a lesbian but i'm not haha. it just seems like guys always have bad breath and are always breathing in my face and stuff. and they always want to shove their tougue in my mouth which does not turn me on at all. it's not like these are gross guys either. my boyfriend is very attractive and so was my ex. does anybody else have this problem?
Blood in diarrhoea - possibly allergic to dental treatment?
Unless your dentist did an anal probe as a bonus treatment, I don't think he has anything to do with your bloody drizzles.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
I keep having the same Nightmare over and over again since I was 7, and I'm scared what it means...?
OK. i think i understand. i think you should see someone who might help you with this like a doctor. it might be serious.
I shoved my mom and she sprained her ankle...but I think i did the right thing?
Okay, before you freak out on me. My mom likes to have these temper tantrums to get her point across. She's done it ever since I can remember. I'm 16, now..anyway she called me early this morning about 5 minutes before I had to get to work. She told me that she needed certain clothes washed, and I told her that I couldn't wash them because I was running late. So she said snaps at me and says "Wash those clothes or your grounded." which is ridiculous. Whatever. So I get home from work later and as soon as I walk in the door she freaks out on me. Screaming at me about how I didn't do what she asked. So I told her again, that I was running late for work and I can go wash the clothes now if she still needs them. She just kept screaming, so I start to tune her out.. Suddenly I hear my puppy yelping. She was kicking and beating my puppy! I freaked out pushed her away from my dog and took him upstairs with me. He's limping and shaking. I don't know what to do. She ended up spraining her ankle and won't even talk to me. I don't know whats wrong with her. She has never freaked out that bad. What should I do? Like i said, she has never freaked out this bad before, usually its just yelling.
This worries me....should I be?
I really do think that you need to be getting counseling to help you as you work through things. It sounds like you have trouble setting boundaries, making rules for yourself about how close you get and who you talk to about things. This is not easy to learn, but it is important that you work on it so you can be safe and maintain the respect of others. Sometimes it helps to look at the basic feelings behind your actions. Do you tell people things because you feel the need for closeness? Do you want to cut everyone out of your life because you are afraid of being hurt? The needs and fears behind our actions are valid, but we sometimes do unhealthy things to get what we need, and we need to learn healthy ways to feel loved and safe. You are probably pretty vulnerable and you need to be careful about who you choose to be friends with. Find someone who will be supportive and encouraging and help you set boundaries. It is important that you find someone you can really trust to help you. Keep looking until you find the right counselor.
Toothache a year after large filling?
About a year ago I had insurance for the first time in awhile, got the majority of cavity's done that I needed and then, of course, couldn't afford to keep it. One of the larger fillings on the bottom has been having a pretty bad ache for days now. Any suggestions to what could be the problem? And please don't bother replying if your going to tell me I'm dumb and to go to a dentist, if you don't have the money you just don't, and that's life, so I don't need to hear I need to do something that would be my #1 choice.
Do things like this make a guy last longer during sex?
Okay, my boyfriend was drunk, using a condom, we didn't have any foreplay, he just stuck it right in, he was already hard, and for some of the time he used just the tip (So was he trying to last longer?). He lasted like 5 minutes, and that's like FOREVER for us, he usually only lasts like a minute and a half at best sober. And are all guys more pushy when they're drunk? (He's always horny, that's not new) He is super forceful when drunk, he just pulled me and bent me over and shoved it in, in our hallway. Please answer my questions, I know they're kind of funny and personal. :P
Questions about fillings?
yes its normal the same thing was going on with me and if your doctor told you how long it would be until you could eat then yeah its cool
Does this sound good? (for fillings of crepes)?
Roll your crepes strawberry, bananas and a little chocolate sauce then whip some heavy whipping cream till stiff but not tok long it will turn to butter on you. Scoop on top of crepes and sprinkle with nuts of choice. I like pecans or walnuts. Fresh squeezed mimosa's to quiet the sweet.
How do i deal with being put in a foster home...?
If you know me from yahoo!answers, you would know i have an alcoholic (abusive) dad, and druggie mom. Well, a week ago, my dad slapped me, and i hit my head of the dresser next to me, and it busted my lip. Well my older brother, (he is 15) Got sick of it, and told the school consular. They contacted children in youth, and... well. now they sent me to a foster home BUT.... they let me chose were i wanted to go, and since i don't have any STABLE family members, i went with my best friend kara (: My brother went with his best friend Christan. Anyway, how do i deal with this B'*llSh*t?
Painful shoulder after a fall at school?
Yesterday at school, we were all sat on this ledge messing around when one of the lads gave me a playful shove and caught me off guard. I fell backwards off the ledge landing on my left shoulder. I've broken my collar bone there before and now it hurts to lift my arm and its swollen and feels saw, when I touch it. Could I have rebroken it?
My friends left his house for the weekend and my GF's sister wants to have sex with me?
Well My GF's Sister (Twin) came and some friends we had a sleep over and me and my GF and her twin was in there and i started kissing but i dont think it was my gf cuz when we had sex she was like STOP IT HURTS and I shoved it in and kept Thrusting and she put her legs around me the next day she winked at me and my GF said Why is There Blood on the Sheets i just said I dont know and i got mad and Cursed her sister out and she was like dont act like u didnt love it so i said Never ever look at me or my GF again you Evil ***** and i told my gf and she just hugged me and said i Understand its an Easy Mistake just we are never gonna see her Again was i wrong?
Will having cavities make me a bad hygienist?
I have always known I wanted to be a dental hygienist and just recently was accepted into the school of my choice.I have gone to the dentist recently for my 6 month check up and it turns out I have quite a few cavities in my mouth. Especially in my back teeth/old fillings. This may be silly but it makes me feel a little insecure. I feel like I wont make a good hygienist if I can't even prevent my own teeth from tooth decay :(
My stomach has been able to handle less food?
Not surprising since you have started to burn the fat, alot is also psychological, not in a bad way. Butif you have decided to get and stay fit your body will respond. If, to get in shape, you decided you needed to lose weight then psychologically your body is responding.. Muscles require food to keep strong, but what happens depends on the type of food. Keep carbs, soda and fast food out of your diet. Foods high in fat will make you feel full and you will start to lose muscle.
I have to get fillings! Does it hurt?
I have two very small cavities. My dentist said he wouldn't give me shots unless i said it hurt. But people says the drill doesn't hurt its just freaky. will it hurt?
What should I do , I have gone through a rough experience am I am sad ): what should I do?
Ok well I was about 10 when this happened, my mom and dad would ALWAYS get in fights, and some people know how that feels so help me. There fights sometimes will get into HUGE HUGE arguements over stupid things and so one day I was in the computer and I saw a document on verbal and physical abuse, I looked at it and read it. BAD CHOICE !! I found out that my dad has physically and verbally abused my mom , it hurt me so much ! I haven't told anyone about me reading it and I have held it in for a LONG time, well one night my mom came home and my mom and dad got in a stupid fight over my sister doing something, it then lead up to us pausing the movie we were watching, my dad saying everything was fine before she was home, and us having to leave the room, once I left the room (reluctently) I heard my dad say something in the attired tone ever and my mom mom then ran ton my room and we locked the door. I cried for probably a hour straight , so hard I was coughing because my mothers scream terrified me, so bad that later my dad came in and looked SO angry and my mom screaming at him (all in front of me at 10 -it was TO MUCH WAY TO MUCH FOR MY AGE) and then my father left. I later slept with my mom THT night learning THT my dad had put his hands around her neck. I now relive THT night all the time and it just..terrifies may and makes me think. Also my mother would drink achohol and one drink would get her drunk . I now kinda have no respect for either of them ( them not knowing WHY at all , they think I just have a attitude) I also have to live with the things I have read on the verbal and physical abuse paper she had written for their marriage consular (when they had gotten into a marriage problem so bad my dad moved out) . I always think of how much I have gone through and no ones knows and now I'm having problems with my friend , about me and her knowing each other for 9 years and she just met this guy a few months ago and she tells him everything and she says he is her closest friend and I am her best when I have known her for 9 years and she tells him more personal things. It all just upsets me, what should I do ?? ):
Advice going to a gig alone?
I have seen Slash live, and they're more straight forward rock, so there aren't any moshpits, so you should be fine. Just have common sense, don't go off with strangers, stuff like that.
Do dentists have white fillings that match the teeth?
i have a cavity on my front tooth and it looks bad.. ik im terrible.. and i want to know if they have white fillings.. :(
Am i out of the line, or are they? ?
I recently just moved in with my brother and his girlfriend, bcuz my boyfriend was mistreating me. Anyway I have lived with them before, they are charging me rent $300/mo. Including $25 a week for food. Which is fine, but my brothers girlfriend is always ***** at me about stupid stuff allllll the time it is very annoying! Like for example one night she had asked me when I got home from work to wash off my plate and put it in the dishwasher and start it, I said ok. Well, I got home and she was sitting on the couch I said hi and she just ignored me, I finished eating and went to put my dish in the washer but there was no room so I figure I would just wash it myself put it away and start it no biggie. Well she asked my what I was doing I explained and she got all pissy and started shoving dishes around in the washes just to fit this dish I had already washed. Then my brother calls me the next day while I'm at work and told me I was being too loud last night. I told him it was your girlfriend, and he said she said it was you! Other things she does is one day I forgot to put away the cereal box after I was done with it bcuz I was running late to work and I have to take the bus. She sends me a picture of it and asks me what's wrong with this picture, I'm like seriously just put it away. She get made when I'm in the kitchen bcuz I "leave crumbs" I always wipe up after myself but whatever so I just basically stay in my room unless I have to get ready for work, I've lost ten pound bcuz I don't like to eat around them bcuz I'm afraid she'll ***** about something. So tonight I went out to the kitchen (she's sleeping) I went to open the fridge and she had cut out an article on house rules when you take family members in about helping to clean taking out the trash keep your space tidy and so on. It really pissed me off bcuz one I pay rent I should be able to at least just take care of me and my stuff not the whole house 2 bcuz she just did that to be a ****** and 3 if they want to charge me rent then they should treat me like a renter and stay out of my room I leave them alone they should leave me alone my brother is always saying how I need to make my bed, I'm like I'm paying rent stay out of my room.
Why doesn't this girl like me?
I'm a sophomore in college and I really like this one girl. She has a big butt. One time, right before she sat down in class, I snuck up behind her and shoved a pencil up her butt. She screamed, turned around and slapped me. All I was trying to do was make her laugh. I ask her out every day, she always says no, so I pee on her and call her a rettard. If I ask her out in class and she says no to me then I throw my shoes at her. I know where she sleeps, so sometimes I sneak in to the dorm and slide in next to her, but she just turns around and slaps me. If she ever slaps me and it hurts, then the next morning, I go poopy poop in my toilet, and then put it in a bag, and then throw it at her. I know I can be a little mean sometimes but come on can't she take a little joke and laugh for once. poiequrapoqjkqopiwer
Virgo vs Libra: who would win?
Virgo, lirba's may act tough but there nothin but big ******* and dislike argueing/fights Even though they have big mouths there all talk and no action. Virgo will sit there and wait very patient then make there move, kicking the libra's ***.
Questions About the Ke$ha Get Sleazy Tour?
im going to the tour too and i would advise to get there as early as possible just in case. and i would guess 30 max for one shirt. her songs dont really have curses in them but LMFAO is going to perform too and they might.
Bad headaches from a toothache?
These past few days I've been having really bad toothaches, which then triggers a headache. A few months ago I had fillings done on my right top and bottom molars, and these are the teeth that are bothering me. It's kind of weird, they felt fine all up until a few days ago.. They are also extremely sensitive to heat and cold, which is also driving me crazy. What could be causing this? Is it anything I should be worried about?
A warrent as a minor?!?
Okay so if I get a warrent as a minor for not showing up to court for driving without a licence for the first time, when I'm 18 will I still get arrested for that warrent or will it be shoved back and not so much a big deal?
What kinds of questions do consular officials ask potential tourist visa seekers?
The potential tourist is 56 years old, free to travel and would like to visit the USA once in his lifetime.
What do i do in a situation like this?
I cut a little over a year ago and started again recently. I need help I'm sure of it. I tried getting help by asking my dad but he just denies I have any problems. I want all this to go away. I have anxiety and depression it's been affecting me for 3 years now. If I tell the school consular I need help what will happen?..Will i go to a hospital?
Dentistry Help with fillings?
i got fillings on my right side on saturday and the dentist said that i should eat on my left side until the next day. and its Wednesday now and my teeth still ACHE where they did the fillings. why?
Can I still consider my teeth healthy and pretty?
I have six fillings. I don't want to admit this but a few years ago I didn't brush properly. None of my fillings are visible unless I open my mouth wide enough for someone to see in. Can I still consider my teeth healthy with these fillings and after I get braces and my teeth are straight cab I consider them pretty?
I like this guy, but im not over my ex yet. what do i do?
This guy i madeout with today, i dont even like. i miss my ex. my ex boyfriend hella respected me and never touched me the two weeks we dated and i liked that (im fifteen) and this new guy and i met like a week ago, were not even dating, and hes already trying to shove his hands down my pants. i miss the respect i got from my ex.
How are you supposed to clean your ears properly? How often?
I was listening to my Ipod with my In-ear earbuds and I noticed that they were all disgusting and waxy as usual. So I cleaned my ears with quetips like I normally do once a week. Afterwards, I checked on how you're really supposed to clean them, but the internet said not to clean the ear canal at all with quetips, because it shoves the crap right back to the eardrum. So how do I clean my ears safely and keep the earbuds clean as well?
Is this a realistic plan for my future/ college questions?
So first of all your main concern should be graduating high school! Because you need that to get into college. Secondly, I would suggest that you go to a community college for your first two years then transfer to a university. College is no college or a 4 year. Education should come before hanging out with your my opinion anyway. Hard work pays off. I work and go to school full-time and yes, i have time to hang out with friends. Just learn to manage your time wisely. As for the living in a hotel, I would rule that out. You're too young to have that stress. Good luck!!
Possible Child abuse.?
Kids scream, the language is awful but that doesn't mean he is being abused. Keep you eye on it but don't do anything till you see abuse, have your mom help.
K3-k4-visa form I129f?
I want to file a K-3 visa for my wife from maseru lesotho.She is from the Philippines but is holding resident permit here and also a work permit.I went to the american embasy 2 days ago and the consular told me i couldn't file for K-3 here only in america.Is this true?And Also the purpose of the K-3 is to get your'e spouse or family member to the Usa while the i-130 is still pending right?The reason i'm asking is because on it says the K-3 is for alien fiance.
I think Coles Mouthwash gave me cavities, is this likely?
It could be the fact that you chose to brush your teeth right after drinking soda. It's actually not good for your teeth, but since I never heard of that mouthwash it could be something in that.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
I don't have a best friend and I need help: PLEASE ANSWER!!?
i dont think you should go to the guidance counselor. what i think you should do is say the same things back to them (even if it is kind of fake). that way you guys will get closer and get 2 know eachother better. if u realize that you think there 2 fake, or u just dont like them, find someone knew. if you cant, just continue 2 hang out with them and if u REALLY dont like them and you cant stand them, then think about the option of going 2 the guidance counselor. or ask again on yahoo answers!
I got two cavities filled at about 1 o'clock today, its six now and my lip is still numb, is this normal?
So like I said I got 2 fillings done today on the bottom right side, right next to each other and the area is still numb! that was about 5 hours I was at first numb all the way from my ear to just below my nose now its just more like half my cheek and 1/2 my lips.
Australian High Commission and PR's.?
Not quit understanding your question---a little more detail with-in your question might be needed in order to fully answer your inquiry. The link which you provided is rather straight forward & self explanatory. Depending on where one is traveling--the type of assistance required and whether or not it is with-in the laws of the nation in which you are in--- the Australian Government will assist it's citizens as well as PR's as much as possible. If you are not finding the answer to your specific need, ring up your nearest Embassy/Consulate and inquire.
Lost Naturalization Certificate but need to apply for I-130 form. Please help. Thanks!?
As indicated in the instructions, a valid US passport is all you need. You do not need both it an the naturalization certificate.
What sandwhich filling is best for DofE?
Next weekend I'm doing my camping course or whatever (D of E) and we need sandwiches for our lunch. I'm going to bring pittas, but I'm not sure what type of filling to put in it that would be able to stand warm temperatures, or a while of the shelf and in a bag. I know that cheese can 'sweat' and meat goes off, so what other fillings can I use that are tasty, don't smell (ie. tuna) and will give me enough energy to walk for 9 km?
Am i being haunted by a demon?
Well i think i am being haunted by this demon, it has been following me mostly my whole life. Now my name has 3 meanings, one of which means "devil spawn" and i am mentally insane and i have manic depression, but i do not think this is just in my head. It is worst when i am at my dad's house visiting. One night it called my name right before i fell asleep and then at some time in the night it screamed at me to wake up. I thought it was just a nightmare and tried to sleep but when i went to lay down i saw a shadow and then i threw me down onto the bed. I was hysterical and frantically called my friend in a rush of tears. The next day my sister was asking me all about it. And my friend, who is also mental...but she agreed that it wasn't just me. I was afraid to go to sleep and i also suffer from monophobia, the fear of being alone. I can't even take being near the stairs because once when i was little i heard steps behind me. Thinking it was my brother, i thought nothing of it. Then i felt something give me a shove down the steps. I took the tumble and when i looked up, there was nobody there. i was about 6 when this happened. I am only 13 now but since then i have developed a state of psychosis, monophobia, and manic depression. I am also still paranoid and was then as well. As my parents are divorced, i travel a lot to my mom's and my dad's. I think it follows me because at my mother's house, I was playing on my DSI and i saw a shadow on the door creep closer, but when i looked, it receded. I keep having night terrors about that one night when it attacked me. I have gotten to a state of praying for protection at night, but when i do things like this, asking people for help, it worsens. I put a bible by my bed but when i was in our library room i touched it an i heard a voice rasp "NO" then the railing on the stairs rattled. I dropped the bible and ran away. that night i had my brother put it on my night stand for me. It did nothing, in fact the phenomenon got worse. I feel like when i ask for help from the forums, it feels provoked. when i do this, it scratches the walls. when i pray at night it bangs the walls and scratches them. One night i was sleeping, wearing a low tank top, as it was summer. I awoke the next morning to find scratches on my arms, neck, shoulders, ankle, and on the tops of my breasts running to my throat. I have horrible thoughts that it could, and may kill me. I am scared so much, but nobody takes me seriously, as i am insane, but they don't take me seriously when i say its a demon, in fact, my brother taunts me saying "was it the ghosts?!" I really want and NEED help but nobody listens to a paranoid 13 year old girl. please somebody tell me what to do!!
I was so mad at a Co-worker today is it wrong?
For me to be so mad I want to just tell them to shove it and where to go? They are so ignorant and corrupt. How can I mellow out and not let things that I cant change bother me?
A hole in my tooth with no pain?
Cavities don't hurt always but it might if you don't treat that in time. You should go to the dentist because you will most likely have a filling done and nowadays it's cool because dentist have white filling made of porcelain and nobody can notice if you had a filling done. My dentist has great tips about tips. You should check his website!
How do I get into Harvard (or any Ivy League School) as a freshman in high school, almost a sophomore?
(almost) Everyone will have great grades, AP classes, sports or traditional volunteer positions. If you do the same nothing about you will stand out. You're doing a great job by knowing what you want early. For the next 3 years you need nothing less than an A, you need to pick a cause related to the degree you want or cause you can relate to and devote time to creating an organization related to that. Keep taps on every dollar your raise or people who also volunteer because of you. You can pick homeless veteran or women's domestic violence center and you could use coupons to get free or nearly free items (solicit them from parents of other students/recycling center) to donate food to a shelter that supports them. You could sell muffins to raise money to send a foreign child to school. You could also pick a cause and get your entire class to support the cause.
I don't feel safe at home..?
Okay so today my sister was threatening me with a knife and laughing. I have no idea what to do; I can't tell my parents. They never believe a word i say. She kept jerking it like she was about to throw it. She didn't actually do it, but i'm so scared that next time she will. She called me a cry baby and went up stairs. I don't know what to do; i told my friend and we're going to the consular tomorrow. i'm so scared ;/
I NEED SOME ADVICE PLEASE HELP ME!! Drop out of high school or get a GED?
I was in a similar position you are when I was in HS. I understand you have anxiety problems, but there are people you can talk to about that kind of thing and they can really help you out. Don't be afraid of going to someone for help, because a decision like that will affect your future. When I was in HS i messed up alot also. My senior year i didnt have enough credits and was told that i wouldnt be able to walk with my class. When they told me this, i knew that I didnt want to give up. Therefore i took 7 classes in HS starting at 6am and leaving until 4pm, and I also enrolled in the local community college to catch up with my credits. It was hard work but it was worth it. My second semester I was so ahead that I was able to leave at 11am and i went to my graduation ceremony and I graduated with extra credits to I used to transfer as units in college. Don't give up hope. You can do it.
Why does my "friend" do this?
ok.. so i have a friend and the other day on the way home i got 5 texts say i Was a B****, F*** me and other thing like that and it Was sent from my friends phone. so i deleted them cause i was mixed emotion's so today i Was staying after school with my teacher cause i needed help and i get another nasty text so i showed her and she said to show my mom and tomorrow during my study hall go down to the school consular. so i am and i show my parents. What should i do/act towards my friend????
Are counsulars and immigration the same?
ok my dad called a consular who gives out visas to get some details regarding me so the consular said i will have to talk to the immigration and get you a good idea and thoughts, so i told my dad that the consular is the immigration that is why they are called immgration consular, my dad said i dont know.. arent they the same person ?? im confused now !!
How to get Vietnam visa in UK?
I get my VOA visas through and they have always treated me right. However: you can get longer multiple entry Visas through the embassy with little or no hassle and at a good price.
How can i sneak weed onto a plane?
I have 2.6 gs of bud. I'm going on a flight from NY to Florida. I'm not shoving it up my *** so don't suggest that. Ive read that lots of people put it into shampoo bottles and put it in there luggage. Those x-rays can see everything though so I'm not doing that. I was thinking the best way is to bag it, put some coffee beans around it, bag it again and tape it around my leg next to my nuts. Any other suggestions. Don't post gay **** either like you 40 year old moms who know everything or the little nerd fags. I've flew a couple of times and know that i don't have to worry about dogs or that ****. i think I'll be fine knowing that i have been to these airports numerous times but this is the first i am smuggling weed on. One time i took a flight to japan and on the way back i had a random search done to me but that was international.
What's the sum of this article? i can't understand the point...PLEZ HELP?
Khyber Pakhtun-khwa Minister for Information, Public Relations and Culture Mian Iftikhar Hussain has said that peace in Afghanistan was vital to the stability in Pakistan.Speaking at the annual gathering of Afghan Students Union at a hotel, the minister said: “We are the followers of the thinking of Bacha Khan and always advocated his philosophy of non-violence.” of the country and jihad against terrorism, was also playing a key role in other national and international matters.The minister said his party would continue to play its role in the same manner in future also and would raise voice for the rights of Afghans and tribal people on all forums. Mian Iftikhar said it was a matter of concern for all of us that the Pakhtuns, whose history was spread over hundreds of thousands of years, never spent a century in peace and always faced one problem or another. He said Afghanistan was an independent and sovereign country and took decisions in its national interest. No country has the right to impose its will and decisions on Afghanistan, he asserted. The minister said that Afghanistan was the home to the largest number of Pakhtuns and we were supporter of peace in that war-torn country. He said if the point of view of the ANP leaders Bacha Khan and Wali Khan had been accepted at that time, the situation in the region would have been totally different The minister said the ANP leadership had declared the Afghan war as a war of interests between the US and the USSR and had no connection with Islam. He said the notion of those great leaders has proved correct today. Earlier, Afghan Consular Saleh Muhammad Sherzai, Vice Chancellor of University of Peshawar Azmat Hayat, Director of Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre Dr Dost Muhammad and President of Afghan Students Union Muhammad Hashir also spoke on the occasion.
What do you think of this Mexicans & supporters blast execution of alien murderer in Texas rape murder 16 yo?
Oh wonderful Mexico making a issue out of illegals that are on death row.But funny how they don't do anything about millions of illegals coming here a breaking laws and yes some very violent laws such as murder.We here in Texas have the death penalty and we use it, not just for illegals but all races.Mexico mind your own damn business and if you don't like it then keep your people in your own country.
How can I cope with my husband's annoying sleep habits?
No other bedroom, you will be sleeping on the couch. If it isn't remedied he moves to couch. It stinks my husband is a wonderful guy but he SNORES so bad.
My tooth has been hurting and nothing will help...?
I'm 22 weeks pregnant and the dentist said they wouldn't do anything until October. I've tried orajel, that makes it hurt worse. I got red cross toothache stuff that doesn't help either. It hurts really bad when I have something sweet. It doesn't hurt when I chew but after I eat it sometimes starts to hurt. I do have a crack in my tooth where it hurts but that's only on the bottom, it hurts on the top and bottom. It makes my jaw hurt and my head. I have fillings in the teeth that hurt. I have really bad teeth. What could it be? What could I try to take the pain away?
Help! I dont think im ever going to be able to stop!? 10 points?
well Yesterday my mother was driving me to school. as I got in the car my dog was in there and he had his Leash on and it slashed on my arm . and no I have a huge burn on my arm. and my dog got out of the car because I ddint close the door quick enough( and he jumps really fast). and my mom started yelling at me and blaming things on me all the way to school ( the dog came back in) she called me a *****, a freak and a loner. and used every name in the book to degrade me. so when I arrived at school I was crying and my Principal noticed and he asked me whats wrong and I told him about my mom yelling at me and then sent me to the school consular. and so I told her about her about what happened to my arm and my mom blaming me and yelling at me( but I didn't tell her exactly what she said to me) and she told me my mom is just blaming for her problems( whatever they may be). and later that nigh she saw my burn and told me to put lotion on it so i did, and it started blistering and burning at I was like ow! and then my dog kept biting my other smaller dog skye and I yelled at him really loud to quit and I pulled him off of her. ( he chews at her but not where she had serious injury) and then my mom yelled SHUT UP YOU ******* FREAK! and then I told her what I was yelling about! and shes like SHUT UP , I DONT CARE YOU ARE A ******* FREAK. AND THEN I SAID WHO DO YOU THINK I GOT IT FROM IF I AM A FREAK? AND SHES LIKE AT LEAST IM NOT A LONER LIKE YOU!( idk where she gets this idea im a "Loner" i have friends that i talk to and interact with i dont just sit in the corner and ignore people) and the IM LIKE OH YEAH WHATEVER IM A FREAK AND A LONER MMHMMM) ( in a sarcastic voice) AND THEN SHES LIKE YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE, YOU *****! I lost it then then i went to the bathroom I took 13 painkillers( 325 mg each) i have been taking them when she makes me upset( 4-7 at a time) and I dont know when i am going to be able to stop. I wish I would have died last night but no I cant ever get that lucky. and my mom verbally and physically abused me since I was born, I remember her hurting me at a young age so i am assuming she hurt me when i was a baby 2. and i have no where else to go. and nobody loves me or cares enough about me to help me. and i feel a bit addicted to the painkillers but not badly addicted. I treid everything to cope sleeping, crying music. and it never works it used to but it doesnt really anymore. oh yeah and im sorry about the language but that how it went down, plz dont report.
Obtaining military spouse Id being illegal?
I am married to an active solider, I am illegal and I was wondering how can I obtain my military spouse ID? I need this to start my residency process but because I am not legal in the US I cannot obtain my military spouse ID. Is there any way I can obtain two forms of ID's so that I am able to obtain my spouse Id. I only have my Matricula Consular ID Card from Mexico, but they need a DL or ID from US. Help, what can I do?
I amcurrently in my first year of university, when I go in for my Visa will they beasking me about highschool?
I just want to know if when i go in for my visa appointment, will the consular be asking me about highschool if i will have just completed my first year of university.?
Please help me out. Am I crazy?
My life has been spiraling down. I have a step dad who likes my half brother better then me clearly. My mom is blinded from the fact my Step father hates me. My friends aren't really friends anymore. They don't talk to me much anymore. I am 13 but I don't think it is "PMS" that is making me this way. I have dreams about death and something bad happening to me in every dream. Like rape and many other things including assult. My boyfriend hadn't really been talking to me. I feel rejected. Not only did I crash my dirtbike and break my arm but everyone is ether talking crap or ignoring me. On Saturday I slept over at my friends house one is 15 & the other 16. A guy in my grade is there brother and he told everyone I slept with him. Its untrue. He slept in the basement. The vice principal HATES me. I consular can't do anything! I hate that I'm it on my period and DEFINITELY NOT pregnet and I'll just start crying. I try the hotlines but they don't do anything except "ok. Uh huh I know how you feel." :( I want to die. I really do.
Do i need a passport to go to Mexico ?
You and your baby need passports. You will need the fathers signature on the childs passport and his permission to take his child out of the US.
Do I need a visa to go to Netherlands for 2 nights?
I do not think you do. In Euprope once your in your in everywhere. We have boarder contols in UK but elsewhere in Europe you can literally drive from spain to seweden without seeing aborder guard so i think its ok.
What did i do wrong dat made him mad?
So me and boyfriend went to da movies like an ordinary couple you kno laughing talking hugging kissing cuddling nd stuff through da movie but when da movie was almost ova he asked can i suck/lick ur boobs? i said no so he asked why nd i said cause we are in public so he said so nd i still told him no. then after dat he moved to seats down from me and i followed him nd asked why was he mad i got no answer. so we left out cuz da movie was ova nd my riding was coming so i went to give him a kiss nd hug goodnight but he shoved away so i just left nd i tried calling/txting but no answer..... WHY? WHAT DID I DO WRONG?
Friday, August 5, 2011
Can I do a DIRECT CONSULAR FILING OF I-130 at US embassy Bahrain?
Does anybody know if the US Embassy in Manama, Bahrain does this DCF (Direct Consular Filing)? I called their direct line and they just kept on directing me to operator line which says I have to go to or USCIS website. I heard DCF saves more time and expedites the visa processing. I really need an information about this. Thanks
Please what should i do?
Actually, we met on net and since then we've been having things in common, and i think it is a high time for me to express my fillings to her. I mean; i wanted woo her. Should i, or not?
My US F-1 Visa was approved by the consular on the day of my interview. The next day I received-?
a call from the US Embassy saying that I had to appear in front of the consular again as the consular needed some additional information. The additional information was regarding my "withdrawal from the American University" ( I was enrolled in a state college and after spending 3 semesters my GPA was less than the required GPA to continue in my major which was engineering. So I decided that the best thing for me would be to start over again as a freshman in an another college. ) The next day I appeared in front of the consular and he asked me that "why did I leave that State college and I explained him the reason. After that he showed me thumbs up and said they if they required any more information they would contact me. later that day I got another call from the embassy saying that I would need to write them an email attaching a letter explaining the reason for withdrawing from the State University and attach documents proving the number of credits I had completed during the the three semesters at the State College.( I really do not understand why they needed that proof of the number of the credits I had completed at my previous University since I am not taking a transfer but instead starting fresh.) Anyways I did write that email and attached all the documents they had requested for. It normally takes the consular office to reply within 3 Business days but its been more than 3 Business days and I have not heard from the embassy yet. They have my passport and the I-20. What does this mean? Has my visa been approved or they need some more information? What should I do?
I need help contacting a school consular?
Ok, i am in 6th grade and i want to talk to a consular of some sort but i have no idea how to contact me school's consular with out a parent's note because i can't just asked my teacher to go to the office what should i do? Should i talk to a teacher about it? is there a website where i can email consulars with out meeting them? I would appreciate ideas of contacting my school's consular, a website to contact someone, or if you have any knowledge on the subject to pm me Thank you :)
How long to fillings last?
it is very hard to make a filling retentive in the front along the can always come off with your occlusion, eating and grinding habit.
Very concerned someone please help. Little tmi!!! 10 pts for best answer.?
I think i might have a bacterial infection. Im 25 weeks pregnant and last night i saw yellow discharge on my underwear and it kinda burns when i go to the bathroom, and when im just relaxing i will feel it burn and get irritating feeling. I did notice its starting to have a smell to it (gross i know im sorry). I'm not so sure how i would have gotten it since i haven't had sex for 25 weeks and i dont shove anything up there either. I do take a lot of baths (there my favorite). I dont wear thongs, i always where underwear and i change them a lot. And i been washing the same way i have been since i got pregnant and before that to. So what do you think? My next doctors appointment is July 6th. Is it okay to wait or should i make an extra appointment for Monday? Someone please help. She is moving just fine, but i wanna get this figured out now. The yellow discharge only came up last night, but the burning has been gradually working its way up for a week or so. This is my first baby and i told my sister about it who is also pregnant and shes due soon but she told me not to worry all the time she told me it was okay. But now im worried because i read that bacterial infections can cause preterm labor and i really cant have that. So someone please help me, Thanks!!!!!
Is this normal rabbit behavior?
they're just fooling around in rabbit terms. When my male tries to breed, he'll nip at the female if she's not cooperating and he'll pull out her fur. As soon as they "hit home" twice, he snuggles next to her and falls asleep. She on the other hand, starts sniffing him and acting interested. She was probably in the mood and wanted him to do something.
Will I need a root canal or a filling?
It depends on how deep the cavity is. If the decay has reached the pulp (the blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth) then a root canal will be needed. However, you say it's a "slight toothache" so there is a possibility that the decay has just ALMOST reached the pulp but can still be saved by a simple filling, as decay of the pulp is actually quite painful. And yes, a root canal can be painful at first, however local anesthesia is always administered and after that it'll just be a pretty long boring hour or two for the patient, in which the dentist picks around in their tooth.
I don't mind being a guy but i want to be a girl...?
You might be transsexual and you might have a girls mind and a boys body. When your older you can be transgender meaning that you legally are a women and you have surgery to make you look like a women. You should accept it because its you and your not letting accepting yourself.
Does she like me, should I ask her out?
OK, let's get started. So there is this girl that I have been interested in for some time now. Ever since we started talking we have become closer and closer. Before summer started she sat in front of me in one of my classes. Most of that class was spent talking with each other and I would notice she would sometimes just look back at me and smile or giggle. Then in study hall whenever she was going to get something she would always ask me to come with her. I would have asked her out back then but she was seeing somebody. But then about a week before school ended she broke up with him so I made a plan to ask her out soon. Since the summer started about 9 days ago we have texted every day, she usually starts the conversations and we have hung out 3 times. Two of those times were just me and her hanging out at her house. So at her house we basically just sat around and watched t.v. together, we would sit close, touching most of the time and just talk. We made faces at each other (playful, not like I hate you faces lol) and she would shove me sometimes and giggle, she also tickled me a few times. Well I should wrap this up. Basically here is why I think she likes me. She laughs at all my jokes, she playfully imitates me sometimes, we have several little inside jokes, we text 24/7, we hang out a good amount, she playfully touches me, flirty stuff. So my 2 part question is simply do you think she likes me, and should I ask her out? Honestly I'm probably going to ask her out no matter what in about a week, I just wanted some opinions ya know? Sorry for the long read I know it's a pain I'll appreciate every single answer I get, except the ones that just say yes -_-. THANKS!
My New English Teacher is beyond terrible!?
My new english teacher is beyond terrible, i'm a sophmore that failed 9th grade english last year and i'm repeating it again this year, i was put in English 9 Intensive which is a class for students that need a slower class to get good grades, my english teacher i had from September left because she got another job, after she left we had different substitute teachers for about 2 weeks, this past week we had a new sub, unfortunatly on thursday i found out that sub was gonna be our permanent teacher till june! Now before my regular english teacher left we were in the middle of reading Romeo and Juliet and she gave us a packet of worksheets to do while we were reading Romeo and Juliet to do after she left and would do them with the new teacher, but this new english teacher doesnt use any of the worksheets that are in the folder, she makes up her own assignments, but the assignments she gives us makes no sense at all and sometimes doesnt have to do with Romeo and Juliet, also when we're reading Romeo and Juliet after we read one line of the book, she starts talking for about 30 minutes about that line and randomness in the book, the whole class is confused of what to do and aren't understanding the book, when we try to ask for help we still don't get it, the assignments shes giving us are like college level and she's teaching kids that are in an intensive class who have learning dissabilities, everyone in my class hates her and everyone is afraid that the're gonna fail, i'm especially concerned since i'm repeating english 9 again and i need to pass it this year or else i need to go to summer school, Also this new english teacher thinks she can make up her own rules that aren't even part of the schools rules, she thinks that she's allowed to give personal detentions, which means that she can keep someone after school for as long as she wants to, according to the school rules in our handbooks it's the school administraters decision to give detentions and how long and how many, she also says that we aren't allowed to wear hats and hoods in her classroom but in the school rules it says that we are allowed to wear them, she also says we need to ask permission to even stand up in class, she gave a kid in my class a "personal detention" just because he had an empty post it note on his desk, this teacher is beyond bad, i saw my guidance consular in the hallway with the kid that she gave the personal detention to and i heard my guidance consular say "she cannot be doing that in class" so i'm hoping that something will be done, but i know nothing will, i'm gonna go speak to my guidance counsular on monday about it, but do you think everyone in my english class should talk to the school offcials about this teacher? no one is gonna pass with her and she is way to strict and doesn't know what shes doing. I have no idea why my school would hire someone like her, i know teachers can get fired if kids have poor performance in class but i don't wanna get bad grades or fail and i'm doing very good in english this year (it was the only class i failed last year, i'm a good student but i was trying hard to pass it last year) but i'm worried with this teacher that i;m gonna fail, any suggestions on what me and my other classmates should do?
OUCH! Tooth hurts after fillings! WHY?
I suggest you call the Dentist that placed the filling and find out if it was a deep cavity. If it was deep, there may be other issues that the Dentist will need to help you with. Other causes could be that you are clenching or grinding on that tooth and making it sore. Your best bet is to see your Dentist so that the problem can be fixed before it gets any worse.
Tooth problems. Please help.?
I recently got my braces tightened and when I bite down it feels like a couple of my teeth are going back into their socket. i will hear a small crunching or cracking sound. i don't have cavities or fillings and I know that my teeth aren't chipping.
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